Civil Trial Defense Law Firm
La Cava Jacobson & Goodis handles litigation and appeals in all Florida state and federal courts.
Fort Lauderdale
550 West Cypress Creek Rd.
Suite 150
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Tel: (754) 301-5060
Fax: (754) 551-6884
St. Petersburg
200 Central Avenue
Suite 250
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
Tel: (727) 477-1013
Fax: (727) 550-0811
1200 Riverplace Boulevard
Suite 201
Jacksonville, Florida 32207
Tel: (904) 564-1900
Fax: (904) 980-9231
501 East Kennedy Blvd.
12th Floor
Tampa, Florida 33602
Tel: (813) 209-9611
Fax: (813) 209-9511
7700 North Kendall Drive
Suite 411
Miami, FL 33156
Tel: (786) 724-2600
Fax: (305) 847-3788
West Palm Beach
701 Northpoint Parkway
Suite 330
West Palm Beach, FL 33407
Tel: (561) 282-1470
Fax: (561) 689-5013
9150 Galleria Court
Suite 100
Naples, Florida 34109
Tel: (239) 300-9679
Fax: (239) 734-3546
Louis J. La Cava Named the Best Lawyers’ 2017 Tampa Medical Malpractice Law – Defendants “Lawyer of the Year”
/in Firm NewsLou La Cava has been selected by his peers for inclusion in the 23rd Edition of The Best Lawyers in America in the practice area of Medical Malpractice Law – Defendants.
Congratulations to Louis J. La Cava on being named the Best Lawyers’ 2017 Tampa Medical Malpractice Law – Defendants “Lawyer of the Year”.
Louis La Cava has been selected as a Fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America (LCA)
/in Firm NewsLouis La Cava has been selected as a Fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America (LCA). The Litigation Counsel of America is a trial lawyer honorary society composed of less than one-half of one percent of American lawyers. Fellows are selected based upon effectiveness and accomplishment in litigation, both at the trial and appellate levels, and superior ethical reputation. The LCA is aggressively diverse in its composition. Established as a trial and appellate lawyer honorary society reflecting the American bar in the twenty-first century, the LCA represents the best in law among its 3,500 members. Lawyers, are vigorously vetted for skills, expertise, and service in order to be considered for membership in this organization.
Louis La Cava was elected to the Board of Directors of The Friends of Weedon Island
/in Firm NewsLouis La Cava was elected to the Board of Directors of The Friends of Weedon Island. The Friends of Weedon Island exists to provide advancement of environmental preservation, education, and any other related or corresponding charitable purpose by the distribution of its funds for such purposes; and to engage in the preservation and protection of Weedon Island Preserve and in the education of the general public regarding the unique environmental and historical aspect of the preserve.
Louis La Cava was a speaker and panelist
/in Firm NewsLouis La Cava was a speaker and panelist at the 4th Annual Vit-Buckle Society Meeting of retinal surgeons on the topic of Risk Avoidance and Management. The session was sponsored by Ophthalmic Mutual Insurance Company (OMIC).
Kari K. Jacobson spoke at the Hospitality Law Conference in Houston, Texas
/in Firm NewsKari K. Jacobson spoke at the Hospitality Law Conference in Houston, Texas, February 22-24, 2016 on Aquatic Accident Investigations: “What Can Be Done So You Are Not Up The Lazy River Without a Paddle” with a focus on resort pools and water park accidents.
Louis La Cava was a judge for the National Trial Competition
/in Firm NewsLouis La Cava was a judge for the preliminary round and quarterfinal round of the National Trial Competition, Region 6 Mock Trial Competition, hosted by Stetson Law School.
Kari K. Jacobson spoke at the 2016 CLM SE Conference, Retail, Restaurant & Hospitality
/in Firm NewsKari K. Jacobson spoke at the 2016 CLM SE Conference, Retail, Restaurant & Hospitality on Feb 5, 2016 on Aquatic Accident Investigations: “What Can Be Done So You Are Not Up The Lazy River Without a Paddle” with a focus on resort pools and water park accidents.
La Cava and Jacobson is pleased to announce they will be opening up another full service office in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
/in Firm NewsLa Cava and Jacobson is pleased to announce they will be opening up another full service office in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The office will open on January 4, 2016. William Carcioppolo will be joining the firm as a partner and will be working out of the Ft. Lauderdale office. The office will be defending medical malpractice cases against physicians and hospitals as well as claims against nursing homes and assisted living facilities. In addition, the office will defend administrative claims brought by the Department of Health against physicians and the defense of general liability cases.
La Cava and Jacobson. P.A. is pleased to announce that the firm will be opening an office in Naples, Florida
/in Firm NewsLa Cava and Jacobson. P.A. is pleased to announce that the firm will be opening an office in Naples, Florida. The office will be located at 2590 Northbrooke Plaza Drive, Suite 307, Naples FL 34119. Kari Jacobson will be the resident partner at the Naples office. The office will open on November 1, 2015. It will be a full service office handling the defense of medical malpractice cases filed against physicians, dentists, nurses, mental health professionals and hospitals as well as the defense of general liability cases.
Louis La Cava has been elevated to the rank of Diplomate by the American Board of Trial Advocates
/in Firm NewsLouis La Cava has been elevated to the rank of Diplomate by the American Board of Trial Advocates. The invitation only organization has ranks of Associate, Advocate and Diplomate. In order to reach the rank of Diplomate the member shall have at least twelve (12) years of active experience as a trial lawyer and as a member of the Bar of the state, province, district or territory in which he or she practices, shall have held the rank of Advocate for a minimum of three (3) years and shall have tried a minimum of one hundred (100) civil jury trials to a jury verdict or hung jury as lead counsel or, in the alternative, shall have tried fifty (50) civil jury trials to a jury verdict or hung jury as lead counsel and shall have acquired 1,000 points as defined by ABOTA Bylaw IV, Section 1.